Thursday, January 24, 2008

Let the Games Begin!

I think that most of you know that I have a fierce love for pageants. Not that I have ever competed in anything like it. I think the closest I came might have been the School Spelling Bee, in which I proudly took third. I will watch any and every pageant. If I know it's on, I'll be watching.
Well this Saturday is the mother of all pageants, The Miss America Scholarship Pageant (had to throw the scholarship in there to somehow justify, however, unneeded.) I wanted to get this post out early so you could all do your research to decide on your favorite candidate. I have included two of particular interest. Any other states you wish to inquire about may be found here.

Drum roll please.

Introducing . . .

Miss Oregon, Kari Virdig
24 year old, Portland, Oregon
Graduate of Southridge High School
Deans list at Azusa Pacific University
Hopes to be V.P. of non-for-profit org. that helps sick kids
Will probably appear in a bikini, if she's's fake

Next up . . .

Miss Utah, Jill Stevens
24 years old, Kaysville, UT
Davis High School grad!!! (that's right, GO DARTS!!)
Sargent in the U. S. Army (top ten shoe-in)
Graduated top of class in nursing at Southern Utah University
Hopes to help people be prepared when disaster strikes
Will continue to be a nurse
Also might be the only girl in a one-piece swim suit

Now I hope I have given you all fair warning. We have a lot to look forward to this weekend. I expect all of us to be on our 'A-game.' May the best gal win!


Fancy Nancy said...

I like Mississippi... Let's just hope that all of the contestants can answer questions as well as Ms. South Carolina... it was a good point she had, we definitely do need more maps in the United States...

Fancy Nancy said...

P.S. Do you know Ms. Davis Dart? Way to represent Special K!

Erin said...

As a US American, I think that supporting our country this weekend is really important. So are maps.

Phoebe said...

Miss Oregon went to APU? That's where my mom went to school.

I don't think I like Miss Utah because her blush looks really weird. I just can't support weird make-up. Sorry.

j and k said...

Weird makeup can be quite intriguing, actually. It makes for excellent conversation, if I do say so myself! Erin, we watched the pageants together last year, didn't we? I just shed a little tiny tear out of sadness of missing you. I shall support your pageant obsession, milady.

Jen said...

Kim wears weird make up sometimes, when her super tight unitard is in the washer or dryer. She likes to cook in weird make up. I like all US American girls who can find their state on a map. I vote for Ms. Oregon, just because........we have watched these pageants together before, I will greatly miss watching it with you this time.

cryssal said...

I think it is weird that all pagent gals look way older than their age. In another 10 they are going to be trying for the opposite.

Raina said...

I'm so glad there are other fans out there. I have been keeping up with these ladies on a "reality check" show on TLC, and I think Utah is super funny and despite her make-up she's more normal than most. And, Florida is looking for some sympathy cards that just aren't working for her right now. She's going down... down!

Kristen said...

So it looks like you were represented in Miss Georgia :) How did you like the show? Personally, I was voting for Texas as I loved her Jazz routine, Or WAshington, but I guess Miss Michigan will do, afterall, she does look just like last years winner :)

my sunshine