Thursday, December 4, 2008

Get Your Groove On

On a long car ride, sometimes the silliest ideas are the best. Here is one piece of inspiration that came from our heads that made for hours of entertanment.

We call it the ipod game (clever, I know.) Directions as follows:

1. Put your ipod on shuffle, no cheating.
2. One player puts earphones on and doo-doo's or hums to whatever song comes on.
3. Other players have to guess the song before the start of the second verse and must get three songs correct in order to get the point.
4. Then switch.
5. The player/team with the most points at the end of alotted time wins!

Harder than you think, but so worth it. You can come up with prizes on your own. You'll thank me later.


cryssal said...

We use a different twist, we try to dance the words. Like an interpretive dance of sorts. Hillarious!

Bryan said...

Funny, what Erin strategically omits from her post is the result (winner) of the game. Hmmm, who could it have been?

Erin said...

I'll put it out there, Bry, you were surprisingly really good at this game, or, I'm just a better singer than you.

Lindsay said...

Erin, hey there!! Your little Brooks is so cute. I'm not going to take sides on your ipod game between you and Bryan, but I may have to try it on our long drives to Utah!! Thought I would say hi. Good to see your cute fam!

my sunshine