I can't get enough of the sweet smells and the barely buds on the trees in my backyard. It has been so fun to see things come to life. I think I have personally willed the green right out of the trees. Never have I been so anxious for spring. Every day I would walk outside in search of signs, even in the snow, and now that it has begun, it can't grow fast enough. Isn't it amazing that the plants and the grass just know that it's time to grow? What a miracle of life. So glad it's finally here.
Isn't there something magical about sprinklers?
This is Brooks' "happy face" as evidenced by the mix of dirt and chocolate around his chin.
By the way, are any of you familiar with the song "Wick" from Secret Garden? That is what's playing through my head right now as it write this post. If not, check it out on iTunes. I can't think of a more appropriate song for the season.